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Thursday, May 24, 2012

As promised...

Diaper Strap
Changing Pad

Wipes Case

Here are pictures of the items I made for a baby shower. My mom didn't know what to get and I said I had found a cute diaper holder pattern and would make one for her. I also made a changing pad and a little bag for the wipes container. I got the idea for the Diaper Strap from  http://cally-cruze.blogspot.com/2009/08/diaper-strap-tutorial.html  -- It is a great tutorial!

My next project is to make my son PJ shorts and top. I will post those as soon as I am done with them!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

More Ideas

So I have been thinking a lot lately about wanting to do something different with my life. I really don't want to work in corrections anymore. There are several things I would like to do but they require going back to school. It also requires money. I have thought about going to hair school and I have also thought about becoming a grade school teacher. If I become a hair stylist I could flex my schedule so I can be home with my boys and if I go the school route I would get summers off with my boys. I have also recently thought about opening my own fabric business. I really like sewing and crafting and the only place to get fabric in Gardner is at Walmart and they really don't take good care of their fabric. To get a good selection of fabric one has to drive into Overland Park to Joann's and then it is a pain to sit and wait for hours to get the fabric cut. If I start the business I think I would start it online first and then have a store front. It is just an idea...one that I have not shared with my husband. I think I know what he would say anyway. I have always wanted to own a little boutique/coffee shop because I like boutique stores and LOVE coffee shops. But there are three coffee shops in Gardner which in reality is quite a bit for a city that isn't that big. Anyway I still need to post my creations that I have recently made..haven't really had a chance to get it done. Hopefully in the next couple of days. 

I thought about making a wrap for Christmas presents for my sister-in-law, mother-in-law, and mother. The only thing is the pattern I found for it states I would need to use a jersey/rayon blend and 5 yards worth! I went to Joann's the other day to look at jersey/rayon blends and holy moly! They wanted 16.99 a yard for the colors I liked. Oh well...it is for Christmas presents. I might find lower priced fabric online.

Cooper is currently playing with my container of Scentsy fragrance samples. He would love it if I opened it for him but that would be a mess! He already has all of his building blocks all over the living room. 

Everyone have a great day! Cooper needs to take his nap.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Good morning! Well..mine started out bright and early this morning. 4am to be exact! Cooper woke up and was wanting a bottle. My sweet husband, Nate, stayed up with him so I could get some sleep. Anyway enough about that. My weekend was fun! We took Cooper to the Topeka zoo. Cooper and daddy got to feed a giraffe! Cooper also has a new girl friend named Tiffany. Tiffany is a gorilla. We read a sign that said she will interact with children so I put Cooper on ledge of the window so he could stand there and dance for her. As soon as he started to jump she moved right up to him and pulled out her painting and showed it to Cooper. It was really neat! Cooper also really liked the hippopotamus and her baby and the black bears.
I also got some really cute fabric this weekend and can't wait to use it! I am making a diaper holder along with a matching wipes case and change pad for a baby shower my mom is going to. I made one for a friend from work who just had a baby but I didn't get it to him in time! It is made of KU material; I am NOT a KU fan so this was very hard for me to buy and actually touch! :) I am a graduated of Kansas State University. Anyway as soon as I get the project completed I will post it along with the KU one I did.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Apparently I can't spell very well....I was trying to say I watched the series finale on One Tree Hill!

First Post EVER :)

My first blog ever! So excited! Just finished watching the series fanale of One Tree Hill. Sort of saddened by the show ending. Guess I will just have to find another show to religiously watch. Well I guess that is all for now. Cooper is getting hungry for lunch. Until next time!